LITERATURA Foreign Rights

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

La leyenda de Sleepy Hollow

Washington Irving

Antonio Lorente

El clásico de la literatura estadounidense a través de la mirada de Antonio Lorente

Ichabod Crane, a humble schoolmaster with ambitions of moving up in the world, is sent to Sleepy Hollow, a remote valley in New York state with a rich legacy of fantastic supernatural legends, particularly the Headless Horseman who roams the area at night. His decision to court young Katrina Van Tassel, the beautiful daughter of a well-todo farmer, brings him into conflict with another one of her suitors, Abraham ‘Brom Bones’ Van Brunt, a rough local youth who will try to prevent Ichabod from realizing his desire to climb the social ladder. This rivalry will result in an outcome that is as mysterious as it is hair raising.

The best known of Washington Irving’s tales, magnificently illustrated by Antonio Lorente, who adopts a more Gothic, yet also painterly, quality.


Terror • Mystery • Fantastic legends • Superstition • American literature • Supernatural stories

LITERATURA Foreign Rights
genre: Story books
theme: Mystery, Terror, Psychology, Personal development, Intrigue, Emotions, Feelings, Society, History
Text: Washington Irving
Illustrator: Antonio Lorente
Traductor: Alejandro Tobar
210mm x 320mm
Pages: 96
Illustration: Colour
ISBN/EAN: 9788414053560
Code: 200846

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