LITERATURA Foreign Rights

Elisa in the Heart of the Labyrinth

Elisa en el corazón del laberinto

Sébastien Perez

Ana Juan

¡Conoce el destino de Elisa!

It's the morning of her wedding and Elisa is making every effort to rehearse the violin piece she must play for the occasion. But two sorrows weigh heavily on her: the man she is to marry is a stranger, and her grandmother, who was her music teacher and her only ally, has just died. Seeking a little consolation, the girl goes to the dead woman's room, where there hangs an enormous portrait. There Elisa discovers a jewellery box she has never dared to open before. Lifting the lid, she is enchanted by a melody that transports her to a labyrinth from which she cannot escape.


Forced marriage • Women’s freedom • Gender equality • Love of music • Mystery • Love • Women’s rights

LITERATURA Foreign Rights
Género: Fiction
Temática: Emotions, Feelings
Texto: Sébastien Perez
Ilustración: Ana Juan
190mm x 255mm
páginas: 72
Ilustracion: Colour
ISBN/EAN: 9788414009482
Código de artículo: 119139

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